Tag Archives: RGB

RGB led lighting module update

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This is an update for the led lighting project.
The design in complete and the PCB’s are almost ready.
This is the schematic:
[singlepic id=7 w=320 h=240 float=]

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RGB led lighting module


I’ve started a new project: a RGB led lighting module, that can be controlled from a central communication node.

I’ll be using some SMD rgb leds, in 5050 case, that i  got from e-bay.

The Imax is specified to 40mA, but i’ll be running them at 30mA max, to keep the heat down.

The design features are :

  • 50x50mm per module
  • cheap controller, JTAG interface, enough cpu power for high resolution/ speed PWM
  • the ability to run stand-alone, following a pre-programmed sequence
  • RS485 line drivers
  • wide input voltage range

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